The other part I knew I wanted a mobile family dedicated to more militaristic operations and supporting protection of all the noble houses assets. And for that I really wanted to not totally lean into the normal “standard” stereotypes for many of the races. And the idea of the a drow family being responsible for protecting everyone else is sort of the polar opposite of menzobarrrenzan. So that was the start of Embersong. The other part I really wanted to turn them into a family of brilliant tacticians and who see art and combat for the art form it is. Not just hulking brutes that throw might at the battlefield. And that is really the center of how I tried to build House Embersong.

The Embersong Empire – The Phoenix Blades

The Embersong family was built up providing protection and support for Zenith and the interests of others world wide. They are a mercenary organization that sells their services to those who can afforded it, and have even on rare occasion worked with the Watch Brigade in Zenith.

The Embersong’s pride themselves on their training and expertise at war. Seeing themselves as artists of war. The members of their organization are very heavily trained combatants. A common saying is that “1 Embersong is worth 100 other soldiers.” Because of that their organization is not nearly as large as others would expect. And they tend to send out more advisers and trainers than just batches of soldiers.

The mercenary company of the Embersong is known as “the Phoenix Blades.” This is due to their fact that many carry enchanted swords with yellow blades and are true masters of wielding them. Many train and use their influence to help get their children into the “Phoenix Blades” training facilities. Considered far and wide to be the greatest warriors of the world.

The warriors of the Phoenix blade train in a combination of sword fighting techniques, and arcane energies to master their skills.

Honestly there will definitely be a whole post on the Phoenix Blades as some point.

Key Family Members and the Noble Family:

The patriarch of the Embersong Family is a man named Akira Embersong. He is the last surviving of his 5 brothers and bears a mark of his battles in the form of a large scar running down the right side of his face and a ruined right eye. He is a slender and tall figure, and carries a long black sword. He like all the members of the Embersong family are master swords men / women, and experts in Military Tactics. They also are rich scholars focusing a word based art form similar to calligraphy.

Akira has three children who answer to him:

  • Layra Embersong – the eldest sister of the family, and a skilled swordsman in her own right, but unlike her ability to control a blade, she has a reputation for not controlling her tongue. She is not the kind of person who keeps her opinions to herself. She is very tall and slender with long white hair. Her eyes are a deep purple and she is usually dressed in a military style uniform.
  • Azazel Embersong – The middle child, and a cold and calculating strategist. He is a master of chess and has a strong mind for battle tactics and politics. Azazel is a shorter male figure with tight cropped hair and a scar running down his right cheek.
  • Samuel Embersong – The youngest brother, and a master of arcane battle magic. He focuses his study on the arcane arts, and their application in the field of battle. He is a more academic mind, but is starting to apply those learnings in practical ways.

Key People in the Family’s Employ:

The following people are in the employ of the Embersong family, and help them with their affairs:

  • Maher – a Brass Dragonborn, and weapon smith, he is part of a long line of weapon smiths that build the weapons of the Phoenix Blades.
  • Armando Vega – A historian and arcane specialist who helps to training many of the members of the family as well as the most elite members of the Phoenix Blades.

What are their relationships with other families?

The Embersong generally have a problem with ego and have for many generations. They tend to believe themselves to be above the other families when they are younger, and only with the wisdom of age do they come to realize how much each family relies on the others.

The Embersongs, much like the other noble families have a broader view beyond the city of Zenith. Specifically they make their money by supporting armies and mercenary groups everywhere.

How can you use House Embersong in your games?

Embersongs have a lot of applications for your game, but the immediate options that come to mind are the followiing:

  • Quest Givers: The Embersongs could hire the party to help support a contract of theirs. Or they could be training them to be an elite strike force.
  • Enemies: Embersong and the Phoenix Blades are great heavies to drop into a fight hired by your BBEG. They make for a really scary adversary.
  • Trainers: Your party could be training to become members of the Phoenix Blades or receive other military training from the Embersongs.

Final Thoughts.

I really like Embersong as a military family that sees the artform of war.

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