So for many of the districts in Zenith there are those small best kept secrets the locals all know about. And in the Docks District there is a food cart that the locals know is absolutely amazing, and it’s called “Kraken’s reach”.

The Kraken’s Reach is a small food cart that rarely is in the same place twice, and that has created this feeling among locals of “when you find it, buy food, cause you never know where it will be again.”

It is owned by a triton who locally is known as “Salty Sam.” Mainly because of his grumpy disposition. But despite his demeanor he remembers almost every customer who visits his cart. Sam is an older triton with fins on his head where you would expect ears. He wears an eye patch on his left eye and has a metal hand for his right hand.

At his cart he sells only a few items:

  • Kraken Tails – which are fried Octopus Tentacles that are battered in a secret recipe that only Sam knows and served wrapped around a stick.
  • Kraken Spit – A homebrewed ale, that he keeps the recipe secret for. It’s a refreshing and more hoppy-y brew of beer and served in a wooden cup.
  • Crab Fires – a French fry type dish of fried potatoes that are seasoned with a spice mix similar to the kraken tails.

Sam used to be a cook on many ships before he went into business for himself and does miss the sea. But enjoys being his own boss. He will happily relive his glory days to any who ask.

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