The city of Zenith is alive with people from all walks of life, and for today’s resident, we have a tabaxi named Diamonds in the Sky. Diamonds as she prefers to be called is a young tabaxi with orange, white and black fur. She is a tall slender figure with a bright smile and big brown eyes.

Diamonds most days can be found working at the Docks, working on the various ships that come in. She helps unload the various ships and do odd jobs around the docks. She is known for always having a smiling face for the sailors who pull into port. She is also known for her bad puns and “dad jokes,” for anyone who would hear them.

Most nights, Diamonds can be found at the various taverns and bars talking to adventurers and sailors on leave. Really Diamonds dreams of being a writer, and she is always on the look out for a great story. Keeping an old leather notebook in hand she dreams of working for the Herald’s Beacon and is convinced that she is just one great story away from her dream job.

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