Today’s citizen of Zenith is a young man named Harold Stern. Harold is 22 years old and a human with a stocky disposition. His hair is dark brown and naturally curly, and he has big brown eyes that always seem to captivate a sense of wonder. He is a shorter human at only 5’5” tall. He is built with broad shoulders and large hands.

Harold works as a bar tender in Shimmer Alley, near the theaters of the district. He spends most nights working the bar where he takes care of people who are either on their way to a show or having just left one. Harold always loved the theatre and most nights when he doesn’t work, he’s at a show. He loves the imagination, the ability to escape it all. And he’s always dreamed of being on stage, but his crippling stage fright keeps him in the seat, and out of the line light.

Harold is a favorite of many of the actors when they come in late at night and loves to talk about their craft. He knows more about the stage than many of the stage hands that work there.

Because of his stage fright he has considered writing, and is working on his ultimate screenplay. He is cagey about the details because he doesn’t want it stolen. But he is always working on it, and if you come back week to week the story changes drastically.

Harold is the kind of guy who is perfectly happy to stay in the background but dreams of the spotlight.

Personality Trait: I love the theatre, it is a magical place where you can escape life.

Bond: My screenplay is my life’s work, but it has to be perfect.

Ideal: Someday I will see my name in lights.

Flaw: I really hate when all eyes are on me, and it makes me uncomfortable.

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