For today’s resident we are going to be talking about Bob the Beggar, and this is a fun NPC for your players to interact with. He can be an informant, a quest giver, or even just a few person that your players interact with.

Bob is a human male, with scraggly dirty blonde hair and kind blue eyes. He is dressed in a dark brown leather duster, and usually a gray or yellow shirt with a few stains on it. Bob has a thick beard that is not really well kept and his hair is a little bit greasy. He wears a pair of fingerless gloves, and a pair of old leather boots and pants.

Bob is a homeless vagrant, and many people believe he likes it that way. If you talk to him, he will tell you all of Zenith is his home. And he means that. Bob has been a staple of the Docks District for going on 30 years. He knows almost everyone and you would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t know and like Bob. If ever there was someone who had an honest thumb on the pulse of Zenith, it’s Bob.

Bob likes to take care of his friends, and is always the person to go to if you have a problem. Some have called him the “Vagrant Concierge of Zenith.” He rarely can help directly but always knows someone who can. He always has information to trade but rarely asks for something for himself but usually for someone else.

Bob is also known for his sense of humor, and he always has a smile on his face and a song in his heart. People generally don’t mess with Bob, and the rumor is that the head of the Black Feather, Andre Gallows, himself put out an order that Bob is never to be harmed.

There also is a rumor, that he was blessed by an arch fey with amazing luck, and that’s partly why things always seem to work out for Bob, but it’s unclear if this is just a rumor.

For roleplaying notes:

Personality Trait: Life is too short to be worried, this great city has a habit of providing if you know where to look.

Bond : I have a small silver coin that was given to me by someone important to me. I will never part with it.

Ideal : I believe it’s part of my duty in this world to help anyone who crosses my path.

Flaw : I will help anyone who I can, whether they deserve it or not. And sometimes that means I can be too trusting.

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