So one of the most common problems for GM’s is the idea of magic items, and honestly I blame YouTube for this. There are literally hundreds of videos on how “Be careful cause magic items can break your game.” And it’s created this unwarranted fear from all DM’s that they can’t give magic items as a reward without breaking their game.

First, that is absolutely not true, and you can scale encounters to compensate, and there are ways of giving magic items that have fun “flavor text” type effects with no game utility. But another fun option I’ve used are “Cyphers.”

What are Cyphers?

A Cypher is a single use magic item, specifically it’s a small think like “a piece of jade in the shape of a tooth.” But these items are single use consumables. Which can honestly help you to avoid having that “game breaking” effect. A cypher is a magic item that requires an action generally to use, and has a single effect.

But what I love about Cyphers is that they really encourage player creativity to be used in interesting ways. For example, I gave one of my players a “Piece of jade in the shape of a tooth.” And this particular cypher when activated and thrown at a target, on a successful hit creates a 5-foot-area where everyone takes 1d8 poison damage, and makes a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned.

The player that got this item, took it to a jeweler and had it made into a necklace before they went to a gala where they wouldn’t be allowed to bring weapons. And when things went south, had a handy weapon they could use on an attacker.

Now the great part, is that these are single-use, so while that was great, I don’t have to worry about repeat behavior, or ongoing effects.

What are some cyphers I could use?

Here are some cyphers you can use, you can roll a d20 for this:

  • Fire shaped Ruby on a silver chain – When throw this at a target, the target takes 1d6 fire damage.
  • An obsidian eye wrapped in brass – When activated, the person holding this cypher has darkvision for 10 minutes.
  • A small yellow lightning bolt made of steel – When activated, for the rest of this turn you gain an additional 10 feet of movement.
  • A small copper shield charm – When activated as a reaction, triggers a shield spell.
  • The drama symbol of comedy and tragedy made out of pewter – When activated the bearer can choose to cast either vicious mockery, or Toll of the Dead, but only one and then the charm is spent.
  • A wooden book charm – When activated the user gains the benefit of the “Comprehend Languages” spell for the next 10 minutes.
  • A medical symbol, with the twin snakes – When activated, you have the ability to heal one person for 2d4+1 HP, of your choice within 30 feet.
  • A small charm in the shape of a pair of glasses – When activated, you gain the ability to cast detect magic once in the next hour.
  • A red metal devil face with an angry smile – When activated on a reaction, the user can cast Hellish Rebuke with a Dex Save of DC 14.
  • A small stone charm in the shape of a tombstone – When activated, the player is able to cast speak with dead once.
  • A small silver scythe – When activated on a reaction, after reducing an enemy to zero hit points, the activating player gains 1d6 temporary hit points.
  • A small metal charm in the shape of a test tube – When activated the player gains the ability to regain one spell slot of 2nd level or lower.
  • A small wooden charm in the shape of a black boot – When activated the player gains a +2 on their next stealth check.
  • A small cooper charm in the shape of a fist – When activated, as a a reaction, the player gains a +2 to the damage of their attack.
  • A small charm in the shape of a sandwich – When activated, this creates a sandwich that reduces a single level of exhaustion.
  • A small copper word “Doom” – When activated, this causes all creatures within 30 feet to make a DC 15 constitution saving throw or take 1d8 thunder damage and be stunned.
  • A pair of silver snowflakes – when activated, on a reaction, this gives the activating player an additional 1d6 cold damage on their attack.
  • A small green snake head made out of tarnished silver – when activated, the user gains a bite attack with fangs for the next turn and that attack does 1d4 piercing with 1d6 poison damage.
  • A small silver and blue pendent – When used the activating player turns into a gaseous form and gains a flight speed equal to their walking speed for the rest of their turn.
  • A small charm of a brown leather pouch – When activated, it turns into a coin purse that holds 2d6 GPs.

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